Thursday, October 20, 2011

Leadership: Trueness to Oneself

In life, it is easier to receive a compliment than to give a compliment.  Often, it is easier to accept an apology, than to be the one to say “I am sorry”.  For the most part, in a world of un-relentless competition, and a society where success is often measured by money, power, and status, the simplicity of “being real” and “being humble” is challenging.  

One of my favorite quotes of all time is, “Funny thing about humility. Just when you think you've got it, you've lost it.”  

The power of humility is immeasurable when you consider the impact that is has on true leadership and development.  It is a strength that is transparent by nature yet bold in results of leadership and development.  To be able to be developed or taught by a true leader, coach, or manager that exercises the skill of humility is one of the best experiences any individual could have.  To be the leader, coach, or manager that is able to lead by example, coach with conviction, and manage people to move them to the next level is a rewarding skill set that radiates excellence.  

I have the experience of working alongside a leadership team at Crossfit Central that has so many different skills of leadership and the power and force they have when they work together as a team is unmeasurable.  It is one of the hardest things to explain in words; however, the more I expound of leadership with this team, the more I learn.  Everyday a new challenge and everyday a new reward. Knowledge.

Individuals are drawn to people who have secured what excellence looks like; however, they only demonstrate it by their actions and not by their words. Leadership is easy to talk about but often challenging to do.  Here are some steps to true leadership and excellence.  The steps include:

  1. Lead by Example. Leadership that encompasses humility allows individuals to set the bar of excellence by their own actions.  Watching someone who is determined to achieve, and relentless in their pursuits, is rewarding. 
  2. Follow the Golden Rule.  Do to others what you would like them to do to you.”  If you stay whole soul to this rule, you will see the impact you have on others and the satisfaction that will be rewarded to you for not only your own achievements but the achievements of others.
  3. Be the first to accomplish a goal, and be the last to let anyone know.  When our actions are for the betterment of ourselves, our families, our workmates, and others, our genuineness to the conviction of completing the goal needs to seen through and through.  Humility is the ability to truly do things the best you know how without any ulterior motives.
  4. Never be too important to give a compliment, say “I am sorry”, reward excellence, or help others.  Excellence is realness.
Remember in life, leadership is a responsibility that we all have to ourselves.  It is not a job skill that we must learn; it is an inner strength that we have the ability to develop.  Give your best of yourself and commit to excellence for your own individual satisfaction and you will without fail exhibit the trueness of excellence.

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