
What Goals do you Have?  

Book a workshop for a specific skill or for a teamwork enhancer. Simple tactics achieving results is the format that is utilized for RX-STAR workshops. Focusing on a small group environment with basic fundamentals and creative coaching to ultimately help athletes achieve their goals. All workshops can be customized according to the needs of your affiliate or gym.


Workshops are Trademarked RXSTAR Format. Simple. Tactic. Achieving. Results

What: Customized Workshops for women in a small group Setting.  12-15 Athletes come together to Define a goal, set a plan, and execute a training to achieve a result.  Components of the workshop include goal setting, tactical skill enhancement, and teamwork.  
How:  Program Overview, Warm-up, Goal Setting, Skill Enhancement, Practice, Team Effort for Results.  START WITH A GOAL... END WITH A RESULT.

Summer Workshops Available: 

• Pull-ups and Beyond- Learning the Kipping Pull-up/ Butterfly (All Levels)

Simple Goal:  Where are you at currently? How many pull-ups do you have? What is your goal for the next 2 hours.
Tactics: Body Position, mental commitment, movement, and team support.
Achievement: Skill Practice toward goal.  Measured Improvement analysis. 

• World of Rings – Ring Dips and Muscle Ups

• World of Invertion: Handstands and HSPU

Building A Team ... Working Together

All Workshops are available to Affiliates and can be booked either Female only or Co-Ed. The workshops are designed in a way to promote teamwork, self-confidence, and goal setting. Simple tactics achieving results gives the athletes a foundation to set their goals and achieve them.  Workshops are 2hrs in length, and cost is $40/pp.  Additional Packages including T-shirts, hats, and goal books are available.

Baseline and Goal Setting Seminar
“Goals provide the energy source that powers our lives.”
A lot of people profess to having goals, those things they wish to do, obtain and experience in their lifetimes. They occasionally talk about their goals and even picture them in their minds every so often, yet very few among them ever take the time to put their goals in writing. Oh sure, their goals are out there somewhere, but out there they remain because these individuals never make the effort to put their most cherished dreams and desires in writing.
Crossfit Goal STAR- Simple Tactic Achieving Results
Step1: Simple Goal Right down Specific Goal
Step 2: Tactic – Track your Progress Weekly – 4 Tactics Training to Achieve Results
Step 3: Achievement- Action Follow Up/ Accountability Check Mark your Progress
Step 4:Results- Make Sure You are accountable for your time Frame
Each workshop has its own value and is created to for the skillset in mind.
Leadership and Strengths Development Workshop
“The only way to get people to like working hard is to motivate them. Today, people must understand why they’re working hard. Every individual in an organization is motivated by something different.”

RX-STAR Leadership Workshops- LuluLemon  - Lululemon SUP Ambassador, Goal Setting, and Running Ambassador
Description: This workshop covers the following topics: personal accountability, leadership, teamwork, and proactive initiative.
• Focusing on Team Building
• Strength Development and Team Cohesiveness
• Employee/Athlete Motivation and Proactive Teamwork Integration
Instructors: Aly Willier
This workshop is designed to move teams from Functional to Exceptional. The focus of this seminar is bringing a cohesive theme of strength utilization throughout any organization. The pre-work of Strength Assessments gives the instructors the ability to coach to the what, why, and how of team betterment and teamwork excellence. Gallup Poll Research has clearly defined that all organizations need to focus on employee strengths to be successful. RX-STARconsulting doorsteps this service with an interactive, fun, rewarding, and team effective seminar to Motivate, Move into Action, and Maximize the potential of your Team!
RX-STAR is looking forward to setting up a Seminar with you.